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How are an artist's paintings born?
Where do the ideas for what he paints come from?
What's on his mind?
These are just some of the questions we all have when we look at art. This is in addition to the curiosities about its significance, what we, the viewers, should understand, and who ultimately answers all these dilemmas. Art means freedom and therefore there are no right answers. On the one hand it is the artist who, through his work, reflects his own world and its meanings, on the other hand he is the one who looks at the work and who, in turn, has his own perspective on what he sees.
Thaïs, aka Mircea (Mike) Taiss, paints with obvious pleasure, smiling, communicative, as his calling is. He paints in a style that suits him, about how agitated the sea is, in moving apostrophes, monotonous as in the rhythm of the Romanian doina, thanks to the spirit and fantasy or after that he plays the music on the radio. His work holds an infinite place in the admiration of the public, because no other artist, from him, better represented the breeze of the sea, early in the morning.
The pursuit of pleasure and the conservative instinct, are the natural direction of any organism with a nervous system. They are catalysts for survival.
In the absence of pleasure, depression occurs that slows down life. Happiness is also a type of pleasure, a constant intensity, which manifests itself when neurotransmitters in the body are in balance.
I believe that balanced and constant hedonism
can be a mechanism for achieving happiness.
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